Monday, August 17, 2009

Blue Cross of India Wins Important Environmental Listing

While this is not an issue that is strictly related to Renewable Energy, many of the friends who are in touch with me on this and related subjects are friends whom I met as a volunteer at a fantastic animal welfare organization - The Blue Cross of India. Yes, my best four legged buddy whom you see with me in my Profile Picture, came to be a part of my family from their shelter in Chennai, India, and now lives proudly at my place in the Chicago suburbs. The Blue Cross have a fun approach to animal welfare that is second to none. The numerous adoptathons and healthy mongrel shows that I have attended in the past (and which continue with ever more people joining these days because they enjoy themselves as much as I did) testify to their success in finding how much fun it can be to work with animals. And this has been recognized by Radford University VA in an entry into their Environment History Timeline with the following entry:

Quote [1959 -- Formation of the Blue Cross of India. Cofounder Chinny Krishna in 1964 introduced the first neuter/return program for street dogs in the world, which he called "ABC," short for "Animal Birth Control." In 1997 the Indian goverment accepted the recommendation of the Animal Welfare Board of India that ABC should become national policy, and endorsed the goal of abolishing animal control killing throughout India by 2005.(M. Clifton, 2007)] End Quote

Mr S Chinny Krishna, the Co-founder, still puts in long hours at thier shelter and in advising other branches of the Chennai group that have sprung up across other parts of India, as original volunteers move from Chennai for various reasons. The good work begun in 1959, therefore, is being spread across India in a systematic and happy way. Now, some supporters who have moved to the USA, have formed a 501 C trust here to support the Blue Cross's activities in India: Their website is well worth a visit and of support by anyone who is interested in supporting not just animal welfare, but also environmental casues. Please note that Radford recognized the Blue Cross for the overall beneficial impact their work had on the environment of the cities that they work in, and not just on their animal neutering program which has been working since 1964.

I would like to salute this great organization and convey my congratulations again to Mr Chinny Krishna and everyone at the Blue Cross. And this request is to whoever wishes to support a charitable cause - please support the Krupa USA trust. My personal thanks are due to anyone who supports them.

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