Monday, March 30, 2009

Texas Sets an Example for All of South Asia to Follow

The one thing that so-called "liberals" in the USA hate is the mention of Texas. The state reminds them of the former US President, never mind that it has invested much mroe in renewable energy - especially wind energy - than any other and that it continues to lead the way ahead. Now, we have a powerful new move by the Lone Star State to focus upon Solar Energy as this entry from Green Daily shows:

In this, lies a powerful example for the sun-drenched nations of South Asia. If the Texans know something well, it is the energy sector. The state has been a pioneer in the production of oil and it also leads in natural gas production both in the USA and outside this country. If the Texans start looking actively at solar power, then there is ample reason for other places with the same kind of exposure to sunlight to start doing this. In the end, this is the kind of development that could make the skies over South Asia cleaner and living there cheaper and more comfortable. Imagine not having to endure eight hours of power cuts a day.

Also check out the original New York Times piece on which the Green Daily entry is based: I do wish one or another South Asian nation would have the same spirit.

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