Thursday, March 19, 2009

Electric Aircraft Forum to Focus Upon New Propulsion Technologies

With electric and hybrid propulsion becoming more popular in cars and boats (though the current low prices of oil have been a sales dampener for both) it was inevitable that aircraft would also become a challenge for engineers looking at making them more fuel efficient. The AV Web carries news of a coming general aviation show with a special focus on new methods of propulsion at Germany and an Electric Aircraft Symposium in San Francisco shortly thereafter (both in April) at this link:

While this blog has talked about the Pipistrel electric gliders in the past, there is a new hydrogen fuel cell design that the innovative little company has come up with and a link to it on their website is at: The new aircraft will be on display at the German show.

All in all, there are a host of interesting links at the AV Web page and it is well worth a free subscription to for anyone who is interested in the business of aviation in general with occasional looks at evolving green aviation technologies.

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