Sunday, February 22, 2009

Some Very Positive News from India: A Solar Powered Pontoon Boat Design

Autoblog Green has this entry (along with two videos which are well worth watching) of a ride on a solar powered pontoon boat designed by Navgathi Marine in India: The design impressed a British engineer who heads a green boat design group and was filmed when he was invited for a test ride. Unfortunately, the videos do not have much information - or views for that matter - of the Navgathi designs.

The Navgathi website, too, has only illustrations of their 6.2 meter Sunrider design: Hopefully, we shall have more news very soon. Congratulations, Navgathi, and very best wishes! I am always as optimistic about Indian engineers as I am critical of the Indian government and bureaucracy - tell me, after this, if I am wrong in any way!

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