Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some Ideas for Do-It-Yourselfers

I found the Renewable Energy UK website today and it seems like a nice one for those who are hobby do-it-yourselfers. Two of the projects that seemed particularly interesting to me were a home made wind turbine (designed here in the good old U S of A): and some plans for a Solar Powered Irrigation System for collecting rain water and grey water and using it for garden irrigation: Considering that Solar Powered Irrigation Systems have been available in India for at least 10 years now, this is an interesting idea that people who have small gardens could use to put their bath water and collected rain water to use in watering their flowers and grass.

There are also some nice do-it-yourself videos at the Green Power Science website: for those interested in trying out different home-brew projects. Those who have interesting ideas can also write to these people with their suggestions. They plan to have a television show and I think that would be fantastic viewing for people around the world. I would love to show it dubbed in local languages in India and in other third world countries if possible.

All strength to these good people!

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